Monday, November 30, 2009

My Latest Movie Reviews

One movie is A Series Of Unfortounate Events *NO SPOILERS*(except Despearuax)
I like the movie, but I know the book series is much longer. But that dosen't effect my rating. At the begining I thought "Claymation Elf Person in a peaceful world, where is this going?" But, of course, I got my answer.

Another movie is The Blob.

I fell in love with this movie. The movie was the first horror movie on the Netflix list. I saw it on the night I tried to stay up until 7:00, but I fell asleep around 6:00. The Blob looks so realistic. Just look -}

I know that it's not the scariest movie of all time, but it is good, don't you think???

The next movie is Beware, the Blob!

After I found out that there was a sequel, I just HAD to put it on our Netflix list. Although it wasn't as good as the last one, I think it was still pretty good. The Blob looks exactly the same as the last movie.

The Tale of Despearuax

This movie is so freaking terrible. It makes no sense about 25 minutes into the movie. I mean, does that book he read have any big effect on the movie? NO! Does the story of that castle maid have anything AT ALL to do with the storyline? NO! And does it focus on Desperuax 90% of the time? NNNNOOO!!!!!!!! I mean for Pete's sake would it kill them to make it a little more worth our money? I mean, it's so bad we're going to give it to charity! And, like my friend said, "And what good parents he has!"

The Terminator

I loved this movie, but they use the F-word waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too much. But I do like the Terminator's German accent. Say it with me, Terminator fans! "I'll be back." I never thought that Sarah Connors would _ _ _ _ the Terminator.
What do you know, we're already finished with my December movies!
Part 2: My Daily Mystery
What is the hstry of txt spk??? Wll, lts lk at wht im typng. im jst usng shrtned vrsons of wrds. see im spking txt spk. Well, I mean, I guess teenagers just don't have the time to put commas and aposterphes and spell out full words and stuff, so I guess that's the history.
Part 3: my favorite sites

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